Every two weeks the dice are thrown, and the results are sent to the contestants by e-mail. From this day, each contestant has two weeks to find on the Web certain information, related to the novel of the square where the player is. The player has to send me the address of the page with the information he found before the next roll of the dice. If the information is not found in time, the contestant pays a double fine and stays one turn without playing.

The first player who reaches square 63 wins the game. If a player goes past this square, he has to count back the number of points that he has too much.

When a player comes at a novel with the title written in italics, he does not stop there, but redoubles the number of points.

When a player is met by another, he pays a single fine and must go back to the place previously occupied by the other player.

Who throws, at the first turn, 9 by 6 and 3, goes to square 26.

Who throws, at the first turn, 9 by 5 and 4, goes to square 53.

Who goes to 6, Le Tour du Monde en 80 jours, (the Bridge), pays a single fine and goes to 12.

Who goes to 19, Un billet de loterie, (the Hotel), pays a double fine and stays two turns without playing.

Who goes to 31, La Maison à Vapeur, (the Pit), pays a triple fine and stays until an other player delivers him.

Who goes to 42, Voyage au Centre de la Terre, (the Labyrinth), pays a single fine and goes to 30.

Who goes to 52, Mathias Sandorf, (the Prison), pays a triple fine and waits until an other contestant comes to take his place.

Who goes to 58, Les cinq cents millions de la Bégum, (Death), pays a triple fine and begins the game all over again at the next turn.