As an extra addition to my collection of maps from the Voyages extraordinaires, this is a collection of maps in the same style as the original maps from the Hetzel editions, but in other languages, or with some minor differences.

Cinq semaines en ballon

Karte zu: Jules Verne, Cinq semaines en ballon
Karte zu: Jules Verne, Cinq semaines en ballon
(Source: Cinq semaines en ballon. Velhagen & Klasings Sammlung französischer u. englischer Schulausgaben. 1922.)

This is a slightly adapted German version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Mapa Střední Afriky s plánem cesty doktora Fergussona
Mapa Střední Afriky s plánem cesty doktora Fergussona
(Source: Pět neděl v balóně. Mladá fronta, Prague, 1958, 1967 (2nd ed.))

This is a slightly adapted Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Mapa Střední Afriky s plánem cesty doktora Fergussona
Mapa Střední Afriky s plánem cesty doktora Fergussona
(Source: Pět neděl v balóně. Mladá fronta, Prague, 1958, 1967 (2nd ed.))

This is a slightly adapted Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

De la Terre à la Lune

Karte von Florida
Karte von Florida
(Source: Von der Erde zum Mond. A. Hartleben's Verlag, Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1874)

This is a German version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Les Enfants du capitaine Grant

Cesta kolem světa
Cesta kolem světa
Část 1.
Jižní Amerika
(Source: Děti kapitána Granta, Mladá fronta, Prague 1964)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Cesta kolem světa
Cesta kolem světa
Část 2.
Jižní Austrálie
(Source: Děti kapitána Granta, Mladá fronta, Prague 1964)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Cesta kolem světa
Cesta kolem světa
Část 3.
Tichý oceán
(Source: Děti kapitána Granta, Mladá fronta, Prague 1964)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Дети капитана Гранта
Дети капитана Гранта
первая карта
Южная Америка
Составлена Жюль Верном
(Source: Дети капитана Гранта, Moscow, Leningrad, 1949)

This is a Russian version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Дети капитана Гранта
Дети капитана Гранта
вторая карта
Южная Австралия
Составлена Жюль Верном
(Source: Дети капитана Гранта, Moscow, Leningrad, 1949)

This is a Russian version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Дети капитана Гранта
Дети капитана Гранта
третья карта
Тихий Океан
Составлена Жюль Верном
(Source: Дети капитана Гранта, Moscow, Leningrad, 1949)

This is a Russian version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem
Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem
Jules Verne
První mapa
(Source: Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Mladá fronta, Prague 1959)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem
Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem
Jules Verne
Druhá mapa
(Source: Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Mladá fronta, Prague 1959)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours

(Source: Cuairt na Cruinne in Ochtó Lá, Evertype, 2008; courtesy Michael Everson)

This is an Irish (Gaelic) version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

(Source: Adro dhe’n Bÿs in Peswar Ugans Dëdh, Evertype, 2009; courtesy Michael Everson)

This is a Cornish version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

L’Île mystérieuse

Île Lincoln
Île Lincoln
Long. O. 150° 30′
Lat. S. 34° 57′
(Source: Robin, Christian, ed. L’Île mystérieuse dessinée par Jules Verne. Nantes, France: Éditions MeMo, 2000)

This map was hand-drawn by Jules Verne himself when he was writing L’Île mystérieuse.

Ostrov Lincolnův. Tajemný ostrov. […] Kresleno dle franc. origin. Francouzský originál kreslil Jul. Verne.
Ostrov Lincolnův. Tajemný ostrov. […] Kresleno dle franc. origin. Francouzský originál kreslil Jul. Verne.
(Source: Děti kapitána Granta, Vol. 1. B. Kočí, Prague, 1907; later probably republished in Tajemný ostrov.)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Lincolnův Ostrov
Lincolnův Ostrov
(Source: Tajuplný ostrov, Mladá fronta, Prague 1961, map drawn by Jiří Blažek)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

A Lincoln-Sziget térképe
A Lincoln-Sziget térképe
130° 30′ hossz. fok
34° 57′ széi. fok
(Source: A rejtelmes sziget. Mora Ferenc Konyvkiado, Budapest, 1961. Taken from A rejtelmes sziget.)

This is a Hungarian version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Het eiland Lincoln
Het eiland Lincoln
150° 30′ W.L.
34° 57′ Z.B.
(Source: Het Geheimzinnige eiland - De verlatene. Jac. G. Robbers, Rotterdam, ca 1878)

This is a Dutch version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Michel Strogoff

Cesta Michaela Strogova z Nižn. Novgorodu do Jekatěrinburku
Cesta Michaela Strogova z Nižn. Novgorodu do Jekatěrinburku
(Source: Michael Strogov. Bedřich Kočí, Prague 1910)

Included in an otherwise unillustrated Verne set probably because of contemporary affinity to Russia on part of some Czechs. (Information by Jan Rychlík)

Cesta Michaela Strogova z Jekatěrinburku do Ubinska
Cesta Michaela Strogova z Jekatěrinburku do Ubinska
(Source: Michael Strogov. Bedřich Kočí, Prague 1910)

Included in an otherwise unillustrated Verne set probably because of contemporary affinity to Russia on part of some Czechs. (Information by Jan Rychlík)

Cesta Michaela Strogova z Tomska do Irkutska
Cesta Michaela Strogova z Tomska do Irkutska
(Source: Michael Strogov. Bedřich Kočí, Prague 1910)

Included in an otherwise unillustrated Verne set probably because of contemporary affinity to Russia on part of some Czechs. (Information by Jan Rychlík)

Un Capitaine de quinze ans

Západní pobřeží Střední Afriky
Západní pobřeží Střední Afriky
(Source: Patnáctiletý kapitán. Mladá fronta, Prague, 1953)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Les Tribulations d’un Chinois en Chine

Kaart van het Chineesche Rijk
Kaart van het Chineesche Rijk
(Source: Wonderlijke avonturen van een Chinees, gevolgd door Muiterij aan boord van de “Bounty”. Jac. G. Robbers, Rotterdam, ca. 1879)

This is a Dutch version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.


Mapa Černého Moře
Mapa Černého Moře
(Source: Tvrdohlavý Turek. Jos. R. Vilímek, Prague, 1925)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

L’Étoile du sud

Mapa jihovýchodní Afriky
Mapa jihovýchodní Afriky
(Source: Hvězda Jihu. Mladá fronta, Prague 1955)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Mapa jihovýchodní Afriky
Mapa jihovýchodní Afriky
(Source: Hvězda Jihu. Státní nakladatelství dětské knihy, Prague 1956)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Mistress Branican

(Source: Mistress Branican. Adolf Bonnier, Stockholm 1892)

This is a black-and-white Swedish version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

(Source: Mistress Branican. Adolf Bonnier, Stockholm 1892)

This is a black-and-white Swedish version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.

Le Superbe Orénoque

Cours de l’Orénoque
Cours de l’Orénoque
(Source: Librarie Hachette, 1939)

Note: this map is slightly different from the original map that appeared in the Hetzel edition.

Le Testament d’un excentrique

Společenská hra Spojených států severoamerických
Společenská hra Spojených států severoamerických
(Source: Závěť výstředníkova, Mustang, Pilsen 1995)

This is a Czech version of the map that appeared in the original Hetzel edition.